women's ministries

The Agape Circle

The Agape Circle is dedicated to sharing Jesus’ love. “Agape” is the Greek word for “love in action,” the kind of love that rolls up its sleeves. In that spirit, we take the time to know each other, to care, to pray and to listen. Our social activities have included High Tea, movies, parties, and lunches. We look for opportunities to build the connections among us.

While sharing Jesus' love with each other, we also share that love with children in need. We host two Kids' Consignment Sales each year. Many people benefit from these sales. The sellers declutter and make money; the buyers clothe their children; a tithe goes to the church. Unsold items are either returned or are donated to charities such as clothing closets, Welcome Baby, Eno Valley Elementary School, New Nearly New and TROSA. Circle members then vote for which nonprofits and missions to support with the cash proceeds from the sale. In fall 2024, we donated funds to assist efforts by Save the Children and Baby2baby in western North Carolina.

If the Agape Circle sounds like a good fit for you, send an email to Carol Newman, the Circle's current leader. All women are welcome.

Caring & Sharing

Caring & Sharing offers a warm, welcoming time for building friendships. We meet once per month at Bennett Pointe Grill in Durham. Sometimes you just need to sit down to an excellent dinner with a great group of friends and enjoy yourself. Even Jesus needed that sometimes! If that’s what you need too, you should join us at our next dinner. 

If you are a woman who is also the parent or guardian of a teenage girl age 13+, both you and your teen girl are very welcome to join Caring and Sharing. If you have questions, email group leader Chick Hinton.

The Susanna Wesley Circle

Susanna Wesley is often called “The Mother of Methodism.” She lived a remarkable life: survived abject poverty, gave birth to 19 children (including John and Charles Wesley), led worship services of 200 people, and wrote theology in her “spare time.” We named our service-oriented, missions-focused ministry after her.

If you have a passion for missions projects, The Susanna Wesley Circle is for you. Our annual Palm Sunday Craft & Bake Sale is a great example of the Circle’s ministries. For months, Susanna Wesley Circle members plan handmade items and baked goods for the sale. The money raised supports a number of nonprofits.

If this type of practical, hands-on missions work is your cup of tea, please consider joining. You can make this a family activity, too: if you are the parent or guardian of a girl under 18 who would love to serve alongside you, don’t hesitate to bring her. If you have questions, email current Circle leader Jane Mullins.

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