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Two Services, One Church

Service of Word and Table

8:30 a.m.

  • Weekly Communion
  • Preaching, Scripture and Prayer
  • Congregational Singing
  • 45-60 Minutes Long
  • Nursery Provided for Ages 0-3

Service of the Word

11:00 a.m.

  • Monthly Communion (First Sundays)
  • Preaching, Scripture, and Prayer
  • Congregational Singing with Chancel Choir
  • 60-70 Minutes Long
  • Nursery Provided for Ages 0-3
  • Children's Programming for Age 4 to 3rd Grade
  • Live Streamed via BoxCast
  • Who is welcome at Aldersgate?

    Everyone. Seriously: we mean it. Everyone.

  • Is your church handicap accessible?

    Yes! Multiple handicap parking spaces are available directly outside the Sanctuary (smaller building) and we have a ramp entrance into our building.

  • Where do I park?

    You can park anywhere on campus. Worship services take place in the Sanctuary (small building on Bivins Road side).

  • Do you offer childcare?

    Babies, toddlers and children are welcome to remain in the sanctuary. We don’t mind the noise! Colorful activity bags (in the narthex) can help keep littles occupied. 

    Babies and toddlers ages 0-3 can visit our nursery between 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Sundays. Ask for directions to our Family Life Center.

    Children between age four and third grade are invited to Kids Own Worship. Age-appropriate discussions and fun activities related to this week’s Scripture help kids own their worship experience!

  • What is Communion like?

    United Methodist churches practice "open communion," meaning ALL are welcome to the Lord's table, including children. Seriously: we mean it. All. 

    The elements consist of homemade bread dipped in grape juice. Fun fact: Thomas Welch (1825-1903), creator of Welch's grape juice, was a Methodist minister who wished to provide a non-alcoholic option for Communion!

  • What should I wear?

    On Sunday morning, most people dress in a "smart casual" style: nothing fancy, but one step up from jeans and a t-shirt.

1320 Umstead Road, Durham, NC 27712

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