

The word communicate originates from Old French comunicacion, from Latin communicatio(n- ), and from the Latin verb communicare ‘to share.’ The long and short of it is that to share is to care. Communications at Aldersgate UMC intends to care for congregation members and all who we encounter with God's love as we know it in Jesus Christ in our sharing efforts as much as possible. We want to share the Gospel in meaningful ways about what we are up to in worship, service, ministry and missions.  We seek to tell the story of what it means to be part and parcel of the Body of Christ in this part of Durham, as a sister United Methodist Church congregation, and with the larger Christian community at work in the world around us. If you have an interest in participating in the vital role some of the communications efforts listed here play in the life of this congregation, we'd welcome both your help and your prayers.

These Communications pages now under construction, are in part live now to begin sharing our weekly communications schedule with preferred timelines, and to get feedback from congregation members as it is updated. 

The Communication Pages are Under Construction.


If you are viewing this page, you are in our website. We use a web site creation product for churches called Cloversites. Currently we are in the process of updating all of the content on the site.  


Our E*Blast is accomplished by the use of the Mailchimp App and is delivered to congregation members every Tuesday at 2 pm.

Social Media

Currently, Aldersgate UMC has a Facebook presence for the congregation and Bull City Youth. Generally, the weekly E*Blast, facilitated by the app Mailchimp, also appears in Facebook. There is some interest by leadership and members for the congregation to determine if Aldersgate UMC might also benefit from a congregation wide private Facebook group for the congregation, the kind utilized by our own Agape Circle, sister UMC congregations and others. Look for more discussion about the idea in 2020.

Our Twitter presence currently just reflects E*Blast posts.


More details coming!

Weekly Deadlines

E*Blast - please have your typed* article or blurb by email to Misty by 12 noon the Monday of the week you would like it to appear the next day at the 2 PM publication time on Tuesday.  Earlier is always better when possible. Generally we utilize the same content from E*Blast in multiple social media.  Please indicate which social media you would like your content replicated in. If you have a photo that reflects congregation members that helps tell the story you wish to present, that is always a big plus.  

*Typed email submissions are a requirement because its best to cut and paste the precise verbiage you provide into E*Blast.  That said, all submissions are subject to editing for grammar, spelling and clarity.

Webpage - to schedule a seasonal prior page to come live with any desired updates, let John Hall ( know one week before the go live date.  

For a new page, please schedule with John a phone, office or google hangout meeting as soon as you have a good idea of what it is you wish, so planning can begin.  Ideally, a month advance notice is helpful.  If a redesign of a section of this site is desired by staff and lay leadership, it may take longer.

We understand that sometimes things require immediate attention and will do our best with any request.