AUMC Music Ministry

The Music Ministry at Aldersgate is comprised of a variety of ensembles spanning all ages, with the common goals of making a joyful noise and serving as leaders in worship. We offer our musical gifts to God as a familial community of faith. No matter your skill set, there is truly a place for everyone within the Music Ministry at AUMC!

Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is the primary choir for our worship services at Aldersgate. 

Children’s Choir
The Children’s Choir is made up of kids ages Kindergarten – 5th grade. 

Joyful Noise Ringers
The Joyful Noise Ringers is the Handbell Choir of AUMC.

Soloists & Instrumentalists

If you play an instrument and would like to contribute your gifts to worship, please contact Henry

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is the primary choir for our worship services at Aldersgate UMC. They help to lead worship by offering choral music and by leading hymns each Sunday morning. A few times per year the Chancel Choir presents services of “special music”, which are typically situated around Christmas, Easter, and other Feast Days throughout the Christian year. On December 2019, the Chancel Choir presented the Advent portion of Handel’s Messiah, accompanied by the Mallarmé Chamber Players on period instruments.

Children's Choir

The AUMC Children’s Choir is made up of kids ages K-5th grade. Each week together, we sing, pray, learn about bible stories, play silly games, and build great friendships. Although the children begin to learn music skills (healthy phonation, music literacy, ear training, etc.), the main focus of this group is having fun together while worshipping God. The Children’s Choir meets on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30, and helps to lead Sunday morning worship 5-6 times per year.

If you have any questions, please contact Henry at

Joyful Noise Ringers

If you enjoy handbells or just like hitting things (with mallets 😊) consider joining the Joyful Noise Ringers! This friendly and welcoming group is more like a family – we have lots of fun together each week! We build ensemble and community by learning about musical concepts and techniques, and connect them to the faith-based music which we play. Whether you enjoy playing the high-pitched, ‘tinkling’ ½ lb bells, or you’d like to get your workout in with some 15 lb bells, there is a place for everyone! Some background in music literacy is strongly encouraged, but not required. 

If you’re interested in joining, but not too sure of your skills, contact Henry for musical coaching and some gentle encouragement. This ensemble meets on Tuesday nights 7:00-8:15 and rings in worship 5-6 times per year.

Soloists and Instrumentalists

If you play an instrument or like to sing, and would like to share your gifts in worship, please contact Henry at