Ways to Serve

God made each one of us with unique talents, personalities and skill sets. When we ask Jesus into our lives, it is a great gift to become part of the Body of Christ. We get the most joy and make the biggest difference when we use our God-given talents, gifts and abilities to build up the church in love. 

"Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.  From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."

Ephesians 4:14-16

We are sure we have a perfect service opportunity match for you. You can find opportunities below and the contact information for the person heading the mission projects. 

If you have any questions, please contact the church office through info@aldergate.org

Missions at Aldersgate

List of the mission opportunities at Aldersgate is below. You will find a brief description, the groups impacted, and information about the mission. If you have any questions, please contact the church office through info@aldersgate.org

  • Circles of Love

    What it is: This is a witness tool that creates and uses bracelets to share God's love locally and internationally. 

    Who it impacts: All people around the world

    The Circles of Love Ministry provides Christian witness tools to share God’s love one circle at a time. This ministry provides an opportunity to share God’s love by wearing, making, and sharing necklaces and bracelets made into circles of love. These circles of love will be used in conversation about Jesus, to share the gift of presence and celebrate in God’s creative gift to us, and invite others to spread God’s love by making and sharing the Circles of Love. These items are anointed with prayer and associated with scripture before sharing the items. You can find more information through our video.

    Please contact circlesoflove316@gmail.com if you are interested in joining this ministry. 

  • Community Backpack Ministry

    What it is: The community backpack ministry provides nutritious, non-perishable, easy-to-prepare food to ensure they get enough food for weekends and holidays to avoid hunger when they can't depend on school meals. 

    Who it impacts: 30 food-insecure students at Riverside High School

    Aldersgate partners with three other North Durham churches. Hungry children incur delays in the physical, intellectual, and emotional development. Using foor items purchased through financial donations, we pack once a month during the school year.  

  • Genesis Garden

    What it is: A community garden designed to grow fresh vegetables to feed our hungry neighbors

    Who it impacts: Durham Rescue Missions and open to all in the Durham community

    The garden is managed and worked by volunteers with flexible times, mainly in the mornings and evenings. No garden experience is needed. We will show you what you need to do! Drivers are also needed to deliver the fruits of our labor to the Durham Rescue Mission. 

  • DivorceCare

    What it is: A 13-week education and support group produced by Church Initiative for those going through divorce. 

    Who it impacts: Men, Women, and children affected by divorce

    Each of the 13 weeks has a specific topic related to a specific challenge people face in a divorce. Facilitated conversation and discussion help participants cope with the trials of divorce. 

  • Guatemala Sewing Mission

    What it is: Supports the purchase and user training of sewing machines to help women learn a skill, help support their families, and promote self-sufficiency for families. 

    Who it impacts: Men, Women, and children in Guatemala.

    Almost 50% of Guatemalan children are suffering from malnutrition - so this ministry helps reduce that by providing a way for women to work to support their families in Guatemala. The first sewing machine was purchased in 1987, and now there are 4 independent schools and over 1,000 graduates. The ministry works for funds for scholarships and sewing machines which are always needed. 

    You can find more information about the mission from our video. 

    If you are interested in joining this mission project, please contact Anne Finch at annefinch001@gmail.com

  • United Methodist Men of AUMC

    What it is: Men is a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and his church, and provides resources and support for programs and evangelism, stewardship, and the needs of men. 

    Who it impacts: All men of Aldersgate United Methodist Church

    The ministry and mission of the church brings the men of the church together for fellowship, support, community, and service to the church and surrounding area. Direct support and help for church members, mission work with community and local groups, and fundraising to help support multiple programs and ministries are part of how the group demonstrates God's love. 

  • Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts - Troop 400

    What it is: Groups chartered by Congress to serve our nation's youth by instilling the values of the Scout Oath and Law. 

    Who it impacts: Boys and girls - Cub Scouts: K-5th grade, Boy Scouts 5th grade (10 yo)-18

    Offer strong programs providing young boys and girls with leadership development, social and educational activities, outdoor opportunities, community service and more under the guidance of a committed group of adult leaders. The 3 duties of a Scout - Duty to God and Country, Duty to Self, and Suty to Others - are eximplified in the focus and activities. Meetings are weekly in the evenings. 

  • Sacred Stitches Prayer Ministry

    What it is: Our ongoing mission ministry is to share compassion, care, and God's love with other through needle arts creations. A great way for needle arts devotees to share time and talent to support others in their time of need. 

    Who it impacts: Children, Families, Cancer Patients, or people on Hospice or Palliative Care. 

    Includes prayer shawls and prayer cloths to give to others during both times of need and times of celebration, bookmarks for our 3rd graders when they receive their Bibles, baby blankets and hats for Guatemalan families, care shawls for Hospice patients, and prostheses for breast cancer patients. 

    You can find more information through our video.

    If you have questions, you may contact Susan Parham at parham.susan@gmail.com or Susan Leonard at susanleonard26@gmail.com.

  • Hannah's Community Kitchen

    What it is: A collerative community food mission to provide food for numerous low income families in North Durham about three times a month. 

    Who it impacts: Low-income families or North Durham

    Associated with the NC Food Bank, Durham Branch, and Greater Orange Grove Baptist Church, Aldersgate buys food to contribute to this Mission using money donated to the AUMC Community Mission Fund. We also pick up and deliver food to the mission.