Loving * Love God Through worship, and love our neighbor through service. 

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry - Aldersgate UMC commissioned recently five new Stephen ministers. These persons have completed 50 hours of training which honed their caring skills and equipped them for caring competently. 

These Stephen Ministers are available now to provide Christ-centered, compassionate care to those in and around our congregation who are hurting and need support. Examples of those who could benefit from this caring ministry include the home bound, those hospitalized, those in a job crisis, the elderly, those providing long-term care to a loved one, those with a chronic illness or disability (and members of their families), and those who are separated or divorced. 

To Request a Stephen Minister...

If you, or a friend, are facing a crisis, a transition period, or a difficult time in life, you can receive great benefit from a caring and confidential relationship with one of AUMC’s Stephen Ministers. They will faithfully listen, empathize, pray with and for you, and encourage you with Christ’s love and care. To request a Stephen Minister, or to learn more about how Stephen Ministry can help you, or a friend, cope better with a crisis, contact Barbara Atkinson through the Church office at 919-477-0509.