Men's Tuesday Morning Bible Study


Please join us for biscuits, coffee, fellowship, and a time of learning together as we explore the Scriptures and how they relate to our discipleship journey. Our study begins each  Tuesday, at 6:30 am in the Wesley room. Questions? Contact John Hall at jahall@nc.rr.com.





For questions about any of our Sunday School classes, contact Rev. Bryan Faggart at bryan@aldersgate.org


Serendipity Class

The Family Life Center, Room 207
The premise of the Serendipity Class is that the Bible is still relevant to modern life. The class is comprised of a diverse group of inter-generational members, marital status, bible knowledge, and life experiences.   

The Outbackers Class
The Family Life Center, Room 202 

The Outbackers is an intergenerational class including singles and couples. Issues facing Christians in the everyday world are springboards for class topics.


SALT  (Young Adults)  (ages 20-50)

The Family Life Center  -  Room 205

The Young Adults group meet each Sunday as well as different social events. Discussions    revolve around “todays” day to day topics.


The Iron Men Class  

The Family Life Center - Room 208 

The Iron Men Class is an intergenerational men's Bible class.  



All Sunday School classes begin at 9:45 am in the Family Life Center


Various short-term and long term small groups as well as seasonal studies for adult men and women that meet throughout the week.