Worship Series


In a world of multitasking, an overabundance of entertainment, and overwhelming advertisements a little focus might do us some good. Come read through 1 Corinthians allowing God to center our attention that our lives might find focus. 

During the weeks of this season we can incorporate and explore our vision of Connecting, Knowing, Loving, and Growing. Explore, revisit, awaken our sense of mission and calling purpose. Why did God call Aldersgate UMC into being right here on the corner of Umstead and Bivins?

Scripture & Reflection Questions

Week of January 8 to January 14

Weekly Scripture

Isaiah 49:1-7

1 Corinthians 1:1-9

Weekly Reflections

1. Where do you see God’s attention focused in these passages?

2. Where is your attention focused this week?

3. Describe your experience with the Holy Spirit coming down upon you?