
Aldersgate's E*Blast is intended to provide a 'what's happening this week' picture of life at Aldersgate UMC, Durham. 

Current issue IS HERE

Corrections appear on our Facebook page if anything needs to be updated, link at the bottom of each page on this website.

Most recent issue of This is What I Know

If you're a member of Aldersgate UMC in Durham and have experience proofreading or copy editing and have any interest to proofing either E*Blast and/or the website as a volunteer, please let our church office know of your interest.

Collecting photos of current events

share the story

We want to share what is going on at Aldersgate UMC, Durham.  One way is by publishing photos of some of our worship, fellowship and mission activities. If you have photos to share of church activities, let Lydia know at lydia@aldersgate.org what they might be.  Photo to the left is from Shrove Tuesday dinner, 2020.